The Space You Hold
Contains more than just you.
The space you hold
Encompasses width, height, death, birth.
The space you hold reaches to the end of the galaxy,
The edge of the Universe,
The innermost reaches of the soul.
The space you hold
Brings light to darkness,
A flow of equilibrium,
A quantum sense to the macro,
A macro view to the quantum.
The space you hold
Flies dragons to the moon,
Sees beyond the veil,
Sings up the rising sun,
Dances in the north wind,
Howls with the coyotes,
Kisses rainbows,
Tastes snow-capped mountains,
Runs across oceans,
Swims in unknown stars,
Holds a newborn baby with the gentle caress of the very first snowflake.
The space you hold
Is the space I reside in.
The space you dwell in,
Is the space I hold.
Because the space I hold,
Contains more than just me.
The space I hold
Circles back to where you are.
The space I hold
Explores the depths of my being,
Reaches for the stars,
Delights in the journey.
The space I hold
Looks to the future,
Regards the past,
Stands in place,
While touching every point in time.
The space I hold
Flies beneath the sands,
Flows above the southern lights,
Wraps up in the cherry blossoms,
Plays amongst the flames,
Cries into the hollow spaces,
Breathes in the summer rains,
Spins between the tumbling notes of a golden symphony,
Listens to the breath of a butterfly.
The space I hold,
Is the space you hold,
Is the space you hold,
Is the space I hold.
I hold my space,
And enmesh with the space you hold,
And we hold space,
For all that is.