Overheard at the Overlook
Looks like a good place to sit...
So far so good!
There were so many people dying in avalanches this year...
This looks like a good place to stop.
Nature hates a straight line...
...and water always goes down hill, I’ve noticed.
See that flat topped mountain over there? That’s a mesa.
These little birds have to almost hit me in the head before I see them.
We need a stick.
Perfect ...I mean...
We need a bird call.
(caw, caw-caw-caw)
Thank god there’s a sign and a signal.
There isn’t anything I can’t do without...
...I saw a pair of earrings that I liked
(wind rushing through the leaves)
(airplane flying overhead)
Two, two hearts...Me and your brother
Big ditch.
(cars driving on the roadway)
You seldom remember...
Can you take a picture?
I’m going to stand up.
(something in another language)
(chirp-chirp, chirrip, chirrup-chirp)
I just realized as we got out of the car, I realized, it feels like we couldn’t have done all of that in two years.
It’s really annoying to not have the four of you who are travelling, together.
Have a good trip!
It would be nice if it was snowing.
I’m going to start talking to you in Filipino.
(hummingbird hums by)
That’s a deep hole.
Don’t spit!
Ooo...I see a cave!
Come over here by your sister.
Amazingly I have really good signal here.
You all want a picture with the kids?
1, 2, 3…
There you are, act like you’re a part of the family.
Did you switch your airpods with mine?
You’re going to want to drop those masks for the picture...
Where are you all from?
Thank you.
Cool...I’ll bet they like that...
Excuse me...do you own an orange ford escape? Yes…?
Is this your key? Oh, my gosh!